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Is there anything topical that would attack the biofilms, so I can kill a chronic fungal skin infection?

by Amanda
(Charlotte, NC, USA )

Hi Dan, I have been struggling with a fungal infection that comes and goes for years. I do use your whole internal system, and my digestive system is in good shape, but the fungi has colonized in the skin on my chin and neck. It flares up with stress or antibiotic use. It seems impossible to get rid of and it is extremely itchy and painful. I put all sorts of creams, oils, etc on it, but I don't know if it can get through the biofilms.

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Jul 22, 2022

by: Dan

Hi Amanda,

Berberine, coconut oil, peppermint, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and black walnut hull all have proven effects on biofilms.

You have probably tried some of those already but if you have not tried black walnut hull I would do so. It has a positive effect on parasites, bad bacteria and fungi. As a matter of fact, it is used in herbal medicine to treat dermatophytic (skin) fungal infections.

It has positive effects on Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Tinea, which primarily cause skin infections. It also works for C. albicans and other Candida species that can cause skin infections as well. I have a webpage on black walnut hull here if you care to take a look.

You should be able to find it in a tincture or oil form for use on the skin.

Any other questions let me know.

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