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Is the Candida diet carb limit the same for everyone or it depends...?

by Ed

I am a male in 30s, my weight is 74kg, regularly active and I am on a treatment plan according to your recommendation. I am taking Biofase, herbs and probiotics. It has been 3 months, but I am not consistent with the dose, some days I take only 1 time a day, but other days 2 times a day as recommended, because my resources and finances are limited.

However, my question is how can I be able to eat only 60g carbs a day if I exercise everyday, usually swimming about 30min or gym and walk. I calculated my avg. daily carb it is 90 grams.

I eat lots of cheese, meat and eggs, but still cannot go with 60g. I mostly eat 1 or 2 main meals per day. Is that really important to get 60g carbs a day? Isn't that more relevant to body weight?

And my question is, why my tongue still has a white coating, and I have fatigue and feel like I'm drunk everyday mostly after meals. I can say my symptoms improved a little after 3 months, but not a lot. I have less mucus now, but before I had lots of mucus and phlegm accumulating in my throat, I have to spit it out regularly, I assume that is candida biofilm...

Is there a solution to all of this fungus curse, because sometimes I feel really hopeless.

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Feb 25, 2025

by: Dan

The 60 grams of carbs daily is an over all recommendation to maintain immune function but some people can get by with less and some have to have more. I have people that only consume 30 grams of carbs a day and are doing well. Others have to consume more or their energy levels crash. I myself can consume 50 to 60 grams daily with no problems at all. I walk 1 to 1 1/4 miles daily with 4 of those days with 50lbs on my back. I also lift weights 5 days a week. I practice intermittent fasting and do not eat after 8pm or before noon. I have been doing this for a long time and have retrained my body to either get fuel from the carbs or from good fats. I do not count carbs from above ground vegetables.

Does the white coating on your tongue cause, or do you have, bad breath? If so, it's not Candida at all but bad bacteria. If it doesn't smell have you been treating it directly with the suggestions on the oral yeast infections webpage here? If it is causing bad breath then scrubbing your tongue with toothpaste, or any of the oils suggested on the oral yeast infections page with a toothbrush, followed by a non alcohol mouthwash would help. Those oils on a toothbrush will help if it is candida yeast as well.

You mention you consume lots of cheese. The possibility exists that that could be causing the mucous build up. I know many people, including myself and other family members, that have to keep cheese to a minimum and we avoid milk at all costs. If we don't, we end up getting sick from the mucous buildup created by these foods.

The drunk feeling could be auto-brewery syndrome, which is created by yeast in the gut. If you been experiencing this for a long time it is going to take time to get everything under control. It's to bad you're not able to take more of the supplements to speed things along.

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