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by Ed
I am a male in 30s, my weight is 74kg, regularly active and I am on a treatment plan according to your recommendation. I am taking Biofase, herbs and probiotics. It has been 3 months, but I am not consistent with the dose, some days I take only 1 time a day, but other days 2 times a day as recommended, because my resources and finances are limited.
However, my question is how can I be able to eat only 60g carbs a day if I exercise everyday, usually swimming about 30min or gym and walk. I calculated my avg. daily carb it is 90 grams.
I eat lots of cheese, meat and eggs, but still cannot go with 60g. I mostly eat 1 or 2 main meals per day. Is that really important to get 60g carbs a day? Isn't that more relevant to body weight?
And my question is, why my tongue still has a white coating, and I have fatigue and feel like I'm drunk everyday mostly after meals. I can say my symptoms improved a little after 3 months, but not a lot. I have less mucus now, but before I had lots of mucus and phlegm accumulating in my throat, I have to spit it out regularly, I assume that is candida biofilm...
Is there a solution to all of this fungus curse, because sometimes I feel really hopeless.
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