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Best Candida Yeast Enzyme Reviewed

Table of Contents

Enzyme Product Reviews | Biofase Enzyme Review | Kirkman Biofilm Defense Review | SerraDefend Enzyme Review | Interfase Enzyme Review | Candifense Enzyme Review | Candex Enzyme Review | Candidase Enzyme Review | Candida Yeast Enzymes vs Digestive Enzymes | Questions About Candida Yeast Enzymes |

Updated 3/21/2025

Written by Dan Jackowiak Nc, HHP, Dr. Vibhuti Rana PhD and Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD.

Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD says... The comparison information presented here about candida yeast enzymes and their safety is medically correct.

Candida Biofilm & Cell Wall Structure Review

Mannoproteins make up 55% of the yeast cell wall and biofilm structure. Typically, these mannoproteins will be 20% protein and 80% mannose polysaccharides. Inside of the cell wall structure is the nucleus which is composed of proteins and fats. In order to completely break down the protein part of the biofilm and nucleus, the enzyme formula must contain a protein digesting enzyme such as protease.

25% of the biofilm is a carbohydrate rich matrix composed of polysaccharide carbohydrate glucans and chitins. The cell wall also contains these components. These can be removed by the enzymes cellulase, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, amylase, invertase, glucoamylase and a few others.

15% of the biofilm and cell wall structure is composed of lipids or fats, which can be removed with an enzyme such as lipase.

Nucleic acids make up 5% of the structure and contain dna and rna material.

Yeasts also use fibrin and fibrinogen in the biofilm and as an attachment mechanism to attach to your intestinal wall. Serrapeptase digests this component and in doing so, it detaches the biofilm from the intestinal wall, which allows your good bacteria to attach to these spaces. These newly formed bacterial colonies will help prevent the yeasts from re-attaching to your intestinal wall.

Many websites suggest that Candida is defenseless against these enzymes, this is simply untrue. This published study in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology, shows that when the helicase enzyme was used on the cell wall structure of Torulopsis glabrata, Candida albicans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they began to adapt within 2 hours. Basically, they began to scramble and beef up their cell wall structure. They will beef up the cell wall with parts that are not under attack in an attempt to survive, which results in not being able to get rid of the over growth. You will probably have some relief but in order to maintain the health gains you've made, you may need to continue taking enzymes indefinitely. So it is extremely important that you take an enzyme formula that removes all parts of the biofilm and cell structure.

To keep it simple

  • mannoproteins make up 55% of the biofilm and cell wall
  • polysaccharide carbohydrates make up 25% of the biofilm and cell wall
  • lipids or fats are 15% of the biofilm and cell wall
  • nucleic acids are 5% of the biofilm and cell wall
  • In addition, microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast use fibrinogen and fibronectin to adhere and make biofilms with the help of fibronectin binding proteins present in these microorganisms.

Bacterial biofilms vary slightly from yeasts but are mostly composed of proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, and extracellular DNA.

If you would like to get the full understanding of how these candida yeast enzymes work against both yeast and bacterial biofilms, it is best that you go read the "Enzymes for Yeast" page.

Reading the "Structure of Candida" would be a good idea as well.

Candida Yeast Enzyme Product Reviews

Some of these Candida yeast enzyme formulas list the specific amounts of the individual enzymes and not milligrams. However, we are very familiar with the manufacturing process, we know how to convert these units to milligrams for a good comparison. Basically, active units per enzyme take up so much space in milligrams per capsule and we know what those specific measurements are. They can vary a little bit depending upon where the enzymes were sourced but they will be close to our milligram figures. We will use this information in this review to give you an accurate comparison.

Biofase Enzyme Review

Biofase contains 1080mgs per 2 capsule (540mgs per 1 capsule) dose of these enzymes:

Biofase 120 capsules

Fibrin Digesting Enzymes

Protein Digesting Enzymes
Protease SP

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend
Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Amylase, Invertase, Beta-glucanase, Glucoamylase

In the other ingredients section all that is listed is the cellulose capsule so there are no fillers displacing enzyme space.

  • All enzymes to remove biofilms and to attack the cell wall are present in this formula. They include:
  • Protease to remove the mannoproteins and protein nucleus.
  • Cellulase, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, amylase, invertase, and glucoamylase to remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • Lipase to remove the lipids and fats.
  • Serrapeptase and nattokinase to remove the fibrin and fibrinogen found in the biofilm.
  • Serrapeptase and nattokinase also go into the blood stream and help clean the blood of dead tissue, blood clots, plaque, cysts, fibrin and other unwanted microbes. They also help reduce inflammation.

This is a complete formula that removes all parts of both yeast and bacterial biofilms. It also attacks every part of the yeast cell wall structure.

The 120 capsule bottle is new and on Amazon is rated at 5 Stars, the 180 capsule bottle is rated 4.3 Stars. There are no 1 Star reviews. On the D&G Industries website both sizes are rated 5 Stars.

The most critical review on Amazon says it is not for Candida, but the person says it works very well for bloating! We suspect this person actually has SIBO and not Candida over growth at all. The symptoms of Candida and SIBO are very similar but bloating is the main symptom of SIBO. This person should have taken herbs with the enzymes to clear the bacterial infection because enzymes do not kill bacteria.

There's another critical review that claims Plexus enzymes are stronger. However, looking at the label of Plexus enzymes here we see that it only contains 200mgs of enzymes verses 540mgs for Biofase. The product is also incomplete, it only contains protease, cellulase and serrapeptase. The other half of the formula are probiotic bacteria. It also contains S. boulardii, a yeast that can and does infect people. In all honesty, enzymes for Candida can clear mild infections but for moderate to severe infections you should add herbs and probiotics like I've outlined here.

In the other 3 Star review, the lady thought she was taking a probiotic, not an enzyme formula.

Biofase typically sells for $68.95 per 180 capsules which is .38 cents per capsule. The 120 capsule bottles sells for $49.95 which is .42 cents per capsule.

Check Amazon Pricing  Check D&G Industries Pricing  Check Ebay Pricing

Kirkman Biofilm Defense Review

Kirkman Biofilm Defense contains 850mgs per 2 capsules (425mgs per 1 capsule) dose of these enzymes:

Kirkman Biofilm Defense

Fibrin Digesting Enzymes
Serrapeptase, Nattokinase

Protein Digesting Enzymes
Peptidase (DPP-IV), Protease AM, Protease 6.0

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend

In the other ingredients section it contains Rice Extract Blend (rice extract, rice hulls, gum arabic, and sunflower oil), and the glucose polymer sugars Maltodextrin and Dextrose as fillers. So in reality, because of the added fillers, it contains less than 425mgs of enzymes.

  • The  Peptidase (DPP-IV), Protease AM, Protease 6.0 will remove the mannoproteins.
  • Glucoamylase, Pectinase, Beta-glucanase, Cellulase, Alpha-galactosidase, Amylase, Invertase, Xylanase, Hemicellulase will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • Serrapeptase and Nattokinase removes the fibrin and fibrinogen.
  • Lipase removes the fats and lipids.

The Amazon reviews have it rated at 4.3 Stars.

There are 46 1 Star reviews with 27 written reviews. Most of these reviews said it didn't do anything. Many claim it caused additional health problems such as UTI, blood pressure issues, severe stomach cramping, vomiting, and nausea.

Kirkman Biofilm Defense sells for $57.00 for 60 capsules on Amazon which is .95 cents per capsule. Although it's a complete formula it is very expensive.

Check Amazon Pricing

SerraDefend Enzyme Review

Serradefend contains these enzyme amounts per 2 capsule:


Fibrin Digesting Enzymes
Serrapeptase   90,000 SPU - 18mgs
Nattokinase          1400 FU - 14mgs

Protein Digesting Enzymes
Protease           20,000 Hut - 21mgs

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend
Cellulase          10,000 cu - 52mgs
Hemicellulase 10,000 hcu - 13mgs
Chitosanase                     100mgs
Amylase         24,000 du -148mgs
Glucoamylase         30 ag - 30mgs
Beta-Glucanase   140 bgu - 24mgs

Total active enzyme units in milligrams is 420 plus the filler.

In the other ingredients section it lists the glucose polymer maltodextrin (a form of sugar) and cellulose capsules.

  • The protease will help remove the mannoproteins.
  • Glucoamylase, chitosanase, cellulase, hemicellulase, amylase, beta-glucanase will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • Serrapeptase and nattokinase will remove the fibrin and fibrinogen.
  • It does not contain an enzyme for the fats and lipids in the biofilm.

The Amazon reviews rate it at 4.2 Stars and the Balanceone website shows a 4.8 Star rating. There are currently 12 1 Star ratings on Amazon with 5 written reviews. Most complained of stomach pain or the fact that it contains the glucose polymer sugar maltodextrin.

SerraDefend sells for $28.97 per 60 capsules which is .48 cents per capsule.  

Check Balance One Pricing   Check Amazon Pricing

Interfase Enzyme Review

Interfase contains 850mgs per 2 capsule (425mgs per 1 capsule) dose of these enzymes:


Fibrin Digesting Enzymes

Protein Digesting Enzymes

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend

In the other ingredients section it lists ascorbyl palmitate (a type of Vitamin C) and microcrystaline cellulose for fillers. So just like Kirkman's enzyme product, because of the added fillers, it contains less than 425mgs per capsule.

  • The Protease/Peptidase will remove the mannoproteins.
  • Glucoamylase, chitosanase, cellulase, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • Serratiapeptidase removes the fibrin and fibrinogen.
  • It does not contain an enzyme to remove the fats and lipids.
  • Lysozyme however does attack bacteria cell walls.

The Amazon reviews have it rated at 4.2 Stars.

There are 22 1 Star reviews. Most of them are saying Interfase did not help with their SIBO or bloating. None of these reviews say anything about taking herbs along side the enzymes.

Interfase sells for $31.99 for 60 capsules which is .53 per capsule. The 120 capsules bottles sell for $59.99 which is .50 cents per capsule.

Check Amazon Pricing 

Candifense Enzyme Review

Candifense contains 1,110 mgs per 2 capsules of these enzymes:


Fibrin Digesting Enzymes

Protein Digesting Enzymes

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend
Cellulase           70000 CU - 400mgs
Hemicellulase    40000 HCU - 50mgs
Xylanase                 2000 XU - 7mgs
Amylase            2000 SKBU - 13mgs
Invertase                  500 SU - 5mgs
Beta-glucanase      200 Bgu - 35mgs

Total active carbohydrate digesting enzyme units equals 112,700 at 510mgs, the rest is fillers.

In the other ingredients section it lists microcrystalline cellulose and a hypromellose capsule.

  • All of these enzymes will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • There aren't any enzymes to remove the proteins, fats or fibrin and fibrinogen in the biofilm.

The Amazon reviews have it rated at 4.1 Stars.

There are 22 - 1 Star ratings with 13 written reviews. All of them complain of severe stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and some people experienced vomiting.

Candifense typically sells on Amazon for 74.97 for 120 capsules, which is .62 cents per capsule.

Check Amazon Pricing

Candex Enzyme Review

A 2 capsule dose of Candex contains these enzymes:


Fibrin Digesting Enzymes

Protein Digesting Enzymes

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend
Cellulase          64000 CU - 352mgs
Hemicellulase   40000 HCU - 50mgs
Amylase             4000 SKB - 26mgs
Invertase               1000 SU - 4mgs
Glycoamylase        200 AG - 200mgs

Total active carbohydrate digesting enzymes equals 109,200 units at 632mgs.

Other ingredients are listed as microcrystalline cellulose and l-leucine (an amino acid) for fillers, and a pullulan capsule.

  • All of these enzymes will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • There aren't any enzymes to remove the proteins, fats or fibrin and fibrinogen in the biofilm.

The Amazon reviews have it rated at 4.2 Stars.

There are 13 1 Star ratings with 7 written reviews. Many complained of stomach pain or it flat out didn't work.

Candex typically sells for $47.62 for 80 capsules, which is .59 cents per capsule and $78.35 for 120 capsules on Amazon, which is .78 cents per capsule.

Check Amazon Pricing

Candidase Enzyme Review

A 2 capsule dose of Candidase contains these enzymes:


Fibrin Digesting Enzymes

Fat Digesting Enzymes

Carbohydrate Digesting Blend
Cellulase Thera-blend      60,000 CU - 350mgs

Protease Digesting Blend
Protease Thera-blend  230,000 HUT -  240mgs

Total active enzyme units are 290,000 at 590mgs.

Other ingredients show no fillers, just the cellulose capsule.

  • The protease blend will remove the mannoproteins and proteins in the nucleus.
  • The cellulase blend will remove the polysaccharide carbohydrates, glucans and chitins.
  • There are no enzymes for the fats or the fibrin and fibrinogen in the biofilm.

The Amazon reviews rate Candidase at 4.5 Stars.

There are 21 - 1 Star ratings and 13 written reviews. Most complain of stomach pain or it didn't work at all.

Candidase typically sells for $58.87 per 120 capsules which is .49 cents per capsule.

Check Amazon Pricing


Based on the contents and amounts of each candida yeast enzyme formula, Biofase and Kirkman's Biofilm Defense are the only two enzyme formulas that contain all the enzymes needed to remove the biofilm and attack the candida cell wall.

However, Biofase contains 540mgs per capsule verses Kirkman's 425mgs and Biofase costs .57 cents less per capsule. If you prefer to take Kirkman over Biofase, I would take three capsules in place of Biofase's two. Biofase also does not contain any fillers like Kirkman's Biofilm Defense,  Balance One's SerraDefend, and Interfase, which lowers the enzyme amounts even further. Quite frankly, we don't know why anyone would put the glucose polymer sugars Maltodextrin and Dextrose into any enzyme formula that was being used to treat a candida yeast infection because Candida prefers sugars for food.

There are enzyme medical studies with testimonials from real people on this webpage about Biofase, and more testimonials here if you care to read them.

Hi Dan,

Please post this testimonial on your website.

I have been suffering with systemic candidiasis for around 7 years and anyone who has been dealing with the same problem knows it is quite different than a yeast infection and extremely hard to get rid of. For years I have been taking Candex and it has helped but it has not eliminated my candida. Two weeks ago I decided to try Biofase for yeast and I have noticed a huge difference, it is head and shoulders above Candex. I would compare Candex to a handgun and Biofase to a bazooka and believe me when combating candida you want the bazooka as this disease is extremely ruthless. From here on out I will be ordering Biofase. Thank you Dan for all your research that has gone into making this product!


Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD says...

The above information regarding the enzyme formulations for different yeast biofilm-digesting enzymes is correct. The enzyme compositions for the products compared above are quite similar. Hemicellulase and cellulase have a high anti-biofilm activity and work well for a number of fungal and bacterial species, like Candida species, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae. Likewise, chitosanase which is found in cellulase, works in the same manner for a number of Gram positive and Gram-negative species of biofilm producers (1, 2). Therefore, selecting the formula which gives you maximum benefit at an optimum price would be the best step towards getting rid of Candida biofilm species’ biofilms. Moreover, when complemented with the use of antifungal drugs like amphotericin B, azole-class drugs, echinocandins, etc. it will completely eradicate the infection.

  1. Muslim SN, Al-Kadmy IMS, Hussein NH, Mohammed Ali AN, Taha BM, Aziz SN, Kheraif AAA, Divakar DD, Ramakrishnaiah R. Chitosanase purified from bacterial isolate Bacillus licheniformis of ruined vegetables displays broad spectrum biofilm inhibition. Microb Pathog. 2016 Nov;100:257-262. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.10.001. Epub 2016 Oct 8. PMID: 27725283.
  2. Asli A, Brouillette E, Ster C, Ghinet MG, Brzezinski R, Lacasse P, Jacques M, Malouin F. Antibiofilm and antibacterial effects of specific chitosan molecules on Staphylococcus aureus isolates associated with bovine mastitis. PLoS One. 2017 May 9;12(5):e0176988. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176988. PMID: 28486482; PMCID: PMC5423679.

Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD says...

Cellulase is known to disrupt the biofilms of microorganisms, which are generally difficult to penetrate through by antibiotics. Although the yeast cell wall contains chitin instead of cellulose in plant cells, cellulase, hemicellulase, lysozyme, pectinase, and alpha amylase are non-specific enzymes and have been used for breaking down chitin (1).

1. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research. Volume 65, 2012, Pages 321-336 Chapter 21 - Chitooligosaccharides as Potential Nutraceuticals: Production and Bioactivities

Candida Yeast Enzymes vs Digestive Enzymes

I get asked quite often if digestive enzymes would work as well as a yeast eating enzyme because they are cheaper, and generally contain the very same enzymes as an enzyme for yeast, so here's a comparison.

candex label

The label on the right is from a 120 capsule bottle of Candex. The enzyme amounts are per two capsules so lets narrow this down to one capsule.

Cellulase 32,000 cu
Hemicellulase 20,000 hcu
Amylase 2000 skb
Invertase 500 su
Glucoamylase 100 ag

Notice the large amounts of cellulase and hemicellulase. All yeast eating enzymes will contain these in large amounts because of the glucan, chitin and cellulistic plant matter in the biofilm and cell wall, (membrane), of Candida yeast.

digestive enzyme label

The next label is from a Doctors Best Digestive Enzyme formula and ingredients listed are per one capsule. Although this formula is heavy on protein digesting enzymes and has a broad range of sugar digesting enzymes, the glucan, chitin and cellulistic plant matter digestive enzymes are insufficient. The amounts are:

Cellulase is 3250 cu
Hemicellulase is 750 hcu

Candex has over 10 times the amount of cellulase and 26 times the amount of hemicellulase. You will find all enzymes for yeast contain these high amounts because it is required to have any success at removing the biofilm and clearing the infection.

Have Any Questions About Candida Yeast Enzymes?

Do you have any questions about any of these Candida yeast enzymes or yeast infections in general? Ask your question here or contact us using the contact page of this website. It is also always a good idea to talk to your doctor as well.

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