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Can you get chronic constipation from taking B. laterosporus and how can you relieve it?

by David
(United Kingdom. Whitley Bay)

I have obtained chronic constipation from taking B. laterosporus probiotic from global healing supplements.

Although I feel better and the constipation is no longer chronic my stools are a bundle of long thin pieces. I also take oxy-powder from global healing to relieve the constipation. Am I on the right track? How long does it take for the probiotic to populate the gut and kill the bad bacteria.

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Mar 10, 2025
Our Reply
by: Dan

Typically, people that are not used to taking probiotics will tend to get plugged up or have a bloated feeling for the first 5 to 7 days. After those 5 to 7 days the bacteria usually end up cleaning you out and things get back to normal. If this is not the case for you, then you should try raising the dose to find the dose that does work for you. If you can't seem to get the constipation straightened out, I would try a different probiotic.

Oxy-powder does help with constipation and when taken in high enough doses works as a colon cleanser. I would follow the directions on the label to find the dose that works best for you.

Probiotic bacteria do not kill bad bacteria, you need to take herbs or antibiotics for that. Depending upon the species of bad bacteria that you are infected with, you might have to remove the biofilm with enzymes so the herbs can do their job.

Any other questions let us know.

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