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Is it advisable to use Candida support supplements that contain biotin?

by Kelly

This supplement contains 2000 mcg of biotin per serving, along with other ingredients (magnesium 45mcg, caprylic acid 500 mg, Pau D’Arco 300mg, black walnut 300 mg, and oregano oil powder 200 mg). I have used this supplement on and off for years, and it has seemed to help, but stopped recently because I was informed by my doctor that too much biotin in my system can affect my medical test results. Then I read that several studies done to check for growth of Candida found that biotin supplements increased Candida growth.

So wondering if I should look for another supplement with less biotin?

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Feb 07, 2023

by: Dan

Biotin is a required vitamin, along with a few others, for Candida's growth.

However, if you have a biotin deficiency or lack the enzyme required to digest and use biotin, then you could have an immune deficiency. Immune deficiencies are a cause of Candida infections so in these cases you would want to supplement with biotin.

If you do not have this deficiency, it really doesn't make any sense to purposely provide nutrients for something you are trying to get rid of.

I would either change supplements or be tested by my doctor for biotin deficiency and proceed as needed.

Any other questions let us know.

Feb 07, 2023
Thank you!
by: Kelly

I don't know if I have low biotin issues, and since I'm pretty sure my medical insurance wouldn't cover a test for my biotin level (they only tested for for vita D) I will have to take an educated guess that I'm not biotin deficient, although I did have recurring yeast infections for years from age 36 until menopause(I am now 61). They stopped after my hormonal levels dropped and were not as much of a problem due to vaginal dryness.

My gut has plagued me all these years, and I have tried everything - diflucan, nystatin, various herbal treatments including the one mentioned in my original question above as well as garlic, grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, monolaurin, colostrum, etc. Both diflucan and nystatin worked at first, but symptoms returned over time and the meds were far less effective after the third and fourth treatments, leading me to believe that my yeast had become resistant.

I did the candida diet for several different stints - 1-2 years at a time, but the moment I increased my carbohydrates the symptoms would return.

I also wonder if I haven't developed bacterial overgrowths from using so many probiotics. It seems to be a struggle to create the right balance in the gut, always difficult.

I appreciate this website - it was a search for this topic that led me to Dr. Samant's paper on biotin and helped me find it!

May 01, 2024
solution to your yeast infections?
by: Blaze

Hi Kelly,

I read that you are struggling with recurring yeast infections for years in your guts and that you have tried many herbal supplements, antifungals, etc. and still ongoing.

I wonder if you ever tried combination of systemic enzymes (like Biofase), together with all these supplements you have said?

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