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I'm 65, and have a family history of ulcerative colitis (father and sister), but in my body (per last 2 colonoscopies) there appears to be "erosions" in the distal small intestine and large intestine, with lots of polyps in colon (some precancerous, I have to have them resected every 3 years).
Gastroenterologist keeps telling me I have Crohn's, but I don't have symptoms. I think it's all due to chronic Candidiasis which I have been trying to get rid of for 20 years after I figured out what it was (it was medium severe - bad rashes, brain fog, maldigestion, hormones messed up, gas, bloating, constant infections from low immune function).
By years of taking antifungal herbs, digestive enzymes, and probiotics I eventually gained the upper hand. I have tried taking Candida enzymes in the past (nattokinase - 100 mg per cap, or Clean E-Z Candida with the following per cap:
10K HUT protease
32K CU cellulase
20K HCU hemicellulase
25 mg chitonase
2K DU amylase
2 AG glucoamylase
100 million CFUT B. coagulans.
Am not able to compare HUT, etc. with mgs in Biofase, so don't know if these enzymes are high doses, but they caused gastric ulcer-like symptoms by the second day of taking, and even if I backed off and tried again, would still have distress and was afraid they were hurting my intestinal tract. Perhaps it was yeast releasing spores/fighting back, not sure.
I have been seeing a new naturopath (previous ones confirmed Candidiasis) for 9 months. Been taking Healthy Gut L-glutamine based powder daily, liquid glutathione, anti-inflammatory herbs and antifungal herbs, + Itraconazole every 1 1/2 days (every days too strong) as well as usual high quality probiotics. My .GI tract is much better, also my emotional status; am gaining on the beast Candida.
Hopefully intestinal" erosions" are better by now (last colonoscopy 3 years ago - am due for another soon), but am still wondering if I should take the Biofase - should I start with the lesser enzyme prep one you mentioned and see how it goes?
Naturopath tells me that NAC and berberine I'm taking will help with biofilm breakdown, but wondering if this is enough... My GI tract is apparently sensitive (I couldn't tolerate herbs used in thyroid med, but I do OK with most anti fungal herbs). Want to do this right so can free from this plague - would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks so much !
Comments for Is Biofase safe for someone who has had "intestinal erosions" (as in Crohn's disease) ?
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