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How does one take Syntol for yeast infections?

by Bonnie

My doctor wants me to take Fluconazole for a yeast infection. I am concerned about the long-term effects of this medication and prefer to take something more natural that gets to the root of the problem.

Does Syntol dissolve the Candida biofilm?

Will Fluconazole cause the yeast to become resistant to treatment? Is this a valid concern?

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Mar 20, 2024

by: Dan

Most women that suffer from chronic yeast infections have an over growth of yeast in their intestine. Due to the close proximity of the anus to vagina the yeast transfers and infects the vagina. In order to get this under control, you have to reduce intestinal populations as well.

There are enzymes in Syntol that will dissolve the biofilm but the typical therapeutic dose is 8 to 12 capsules daily. I would split that dose in half and take the first dose first thing in the morning at least 1 hour before breakfast. Take the second dose at bedtime.

Syntol does however contain the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii which can and sometimes does cause infections. S. boulardii is the commercial name for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and we have more information here if you care to take a look.

Fluconazole can cause Candida yeasts to become resistant to it and sometimes the species you are infected with will shift form. The most common shift is to Candida glabrata. So yes, your concern is valid.

Any other questions please let us know.

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