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How can you detox from mercury poisoning with a leaky gut?

by Nancy
(Plainfield, IL US)

My list is too long to mention here. Let's just say my health is deteriorating fast as if I was on a down-hill ski slope.

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Jan 22, 2022

by: Dan

Mercury is naturally detoxed from the body through the urine. It will also be detoxed through the lymphatic system, which dumps into the liver, and the liver dumps the toxins into the colon for removal.

Leaky gut is generally a condition of the small intestine but can also affect the large intestine. Adverse reactions to most foods is a classic symptom.

DMSA taken orally is generally the safest way to go because you can monitor yourself for side effects and adjust the dose accordingly. Excess mercury will be removed through the urine and liver bypassing the small intestine.

Zeolite can also be used to keep the mercury moving through the colon. Roughly half of the consumed zeolite is used in the intestine and has been shown to improve intestinal wall permeability, and lower oxidation and inflammation. Taken daily it will help move the mercury out of the colon preventing any re-absorption.

The leaky gut has to be fixed and we recommend you avoid all gluten containing foods. Gluten can have an effect on zonulin levels which have been found to separate the cell wall junctions in the intestine, which causes leaky gut. Other than eating a diet as natural as possible, l-glutamine helps repair cell wall junctions. Probiotics have also been found to stimulate stem cell production in the gut, which also helps to repair the intestine.

Any other questions let me know.

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