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Could some types of antifungals interfere with Profase and probiotic supplements?

by Chris

Dear Dan,

I found this site very informative and helpful, but I have a question about the right time window for taking antifungals and Profase. The suggestion to take Biofase and then wait 30 minutes before taking antifungals such as Microfase makes a lot of sense, so the enzymes work on biofilms first and then antifungals take action to kill off the yeast. But I am not so sure if taking antifungal supplements and probiotics within that same time period is a good idea.

I understand that antifungals work to suppress the yeast, but many antifungal products, like antifungal herbs, extracts and herbal oils also possess antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, so therefore I assume that they could kill also the good bacteria in probiotic supplements like Profase.

Actually, I am questioning if some antifungals, including those in Microfase, could potentially interfere with or kill those living probiotic bacteria in Profase, even if taken 30 minutes apart from each other?

As I am starting treatment for my gut candida overgrowth, I have Biofase, Profase, Microfase and other antifungal herbs and oils as well.

So is this 30 minute gap between antifungals and probiotics long enough not to interfere with the process of good bacteria in those probiotic supplements repopulating the intestines? Or should I extend the time gap, or take probiotics at a different time of day away from any kinds of antifungals?

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May 27, 2024

by: Dan

Dear Chris,

You bring up a valid point that has been asked before in the past. Yes, the herbs could have an effect on the bacteria in probiotics such as Profase but clinically we have not seen it because the treatment plan works.

Tests that have been done on Sibo patients, comparing antibiotics to herbs, show far less side effects, which tells us if there is bacterial die-off happening it is minimal. However, there isn't any way to verify this with any sort of lab test, all we can go on is symptoms.

You could however take the last daily dose of Biofase and Microfase either an hour before dinner or a couple hours after instead of at bedtime. Then take Profase at bedtime by itself.

Hope that helps and any other questions let me know.

May 27, 2024

by: Chris

What if I just take take all probiotic supplements at once away from antifungals?

I also have one bottle from Terranics, and it contains 25 strains. I want to combine it together with Profase. Would all together in one bigger dose be as effective as 2 times a day?

I also have Floraphage, and I wonder too if antifungals could interact with those phages (bacterial viruses), since they could possess antiviral properties?

Therefore I'd rather take all away from any antifungals.

I appreciate your advice

May 27, 2024

by: Dan

You could do that if you wish. Studies show that your probiotic levels will rise by the amount of probiotic bacteria you are taking in about a week.

The antifungals will not hurt the phages, but I would take them with the probiotics to boost those levels even more.

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