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What's a good treatment protocol for Malassezia yeast?

by Sophie


Can you please advise on the protocol for Malassezia yeast in the gut? It was confirmed by a colonoscopy biopsy. As I read it feeds on fat unlike candida. And is hyphael cell wall and biofilm are the same? Its not clear to me.

Thank you:)

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Oct 16, 2024

by: Dan

Having Malassezia in the gut is extremely rare. Usually it infects the skin and causes dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin problems.

It does feed on the oils released from your pores of the skin and commonly inhabits the more oily areas of the body; the scalp, trunk (torso), back, and face.

Your doctor could have sent the biopsy sample to a lab for identification and they could test to see what prescription drugs were effective against it. The most common prescription drugs for treatment are used on the skin although fluconazole or itraconazole may have an effect.

If using a natural method of treatment, and because it's in the gut, I would use the same protocol that you would use for any other yeast. Enzymes to remove the biofilm, a broad spectrum assortment of herbs and yeast preventing probiotics. So either what I suggest in the treatment newsletter here or the short version found on this webpage.

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