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What antifungals are suggested for Candida tropicalis in mouth and throat?

by Charlotte
(CA United States)

My tongue is coated and I have a persistent cough with white, sticky, foamy phlegm accompanied by chronic sinus drainage.

The infection is very resistant to mouthwashes and rinses with hydrogen peroxide, nystatin, prescription fluconazole and voraconazole. Currently using Biocidin TS throat spray which helps. Also oregano oil, undecylenate acid by Thorne labs, ACV for stomach acidity, oxy cleanse, activated charcoal, and other nutritional supplements.

Thank you for your concerns and expertise.

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May 28, 2022

by: Dan

Looking through previous test results that we have accumulated over the years I am unable to find any infections caused by Candida tropicalis, so I am unable to give you any specific recommendations. However, just because one herb or drug worked for one sub-type doesn't mean it is going to work for the next sub-type in spite of being the same species.

If we look at all tests on all species that I do have, these herbs are the best.

Uva Ursi is effective against 8
Plant Tannins are effective against 8
Grapefruit seed extract is effective against 6
Berberine is effective against 6
Caprylic acid is effective against 5
Undecylenic Acid is effective against 5

Based on these parameters, the undecylenate acid and oregano oils you are using would not be my first choice. My first choice would be Uva Ursi and it does come in a tea form that you could use like a mouthwash daily. I don't know of any viable plant tannin formulas on the market so my next choice would be grapefruit seed extract and berberine followed by coconut oil.

Fluconazole is the drug of choice for C. tropicalis but voriconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, the enchinocandins, and Amphotericin B all have positive effects. The best thing to do here is to have your doctor take a culture from your mouth and send it to a lab so they can test to see what medicines are best for your infection. Your doctor could then prescribe the most effective medications.

Any other questions let us know.

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