Updated 11/01/2021
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD Written by Dan Jackowiak Nc, HHP
Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD says... The information below regarding the ill effects of mercury poisoning, its causes and possible symptoms are medically correct.
Below is a list of mercury poisoning symptoms for you to review so you can determine if this might be a problem for you.
You can test thyroid function by taking your temperature in the morning before you get out of bed. Leave the thermometer in place for at least 5 minutes. If the temperature is less than 97.5 degrees, there are problems with the thyroid regardless of hormone tests. Another indicator for women is the blood color during menstruation. It should be bright red, brownish indicates low thyroid levels.
Overall, a person may have long periods of great productivity in their lives followed by periods of being nonproductive. As the poisoning progresses, these periods of productivity become shorter and fewer in-between as the poisoning sets in slowly and progresses through greater levels of increasing dysfunction.
Many of these mercury poisoning symptoms are just like chronic yeast or candida, and often the patients misdiagnose themselves. Unless of course she most definitely has a vaginal yeast infection. Candida and yeast will actually attach themselves to the mercury molecule and the accepted theory is excess yeast is an immune response to heavy metals. We know it also attaches itself to the iron molecule as well and uses it as a means of travel and to build its biofilms. It must be removed from the body because of this fact or you will not get well.
Most people associate mercury poisoning with the silver metal amalgam dental fillings that were in widespread use up until recently. These fillings are a very common source of mercury poisoning because many of them do leak, especially if they have been in your mouth for over 10 years.
Recently, a great amount of attention has been focused on autism and vaccine contained mercury and for good reason. Cases of autism spiked, and have continued at almost epidemic rates since 1991, 2 years after the introduction of the MMR vaccine and the usage of thimerosal (an organomercurial compound of ethylmercury) as its preservative. Thimerosal is used in the Flu vaccines as well.
Thimerosal, containing ethylmercury, was, and is used in many products as a preservative. Antiseptic gels, contact lenses solutions, hemorrhoid creams, lubricating gels and vaginal contraceptives.
Moreover, tuna, swordfish, shellfish, orange roughy, tilefish and shark are all loaded with high mercury levels.
Some other mercury poisoning sources are found in environment in the form of air pollution or acid rain from coal fired power plant emissions, adhesives, talc and body powder, broken thermometers, cosmetics, all plastics, diuretics, fabric softeners, felt, floor waxes/polishes, fungicides, industrial wastes, laxatives, mercurochrome, photo-engraving, skin lightening creams, suppositories, wood preservatives, hair dyes, batteries, Preparation H rectal ointment, solvent-thinned paints, and latex paints. Fluorescent lights also contain a high amount of mercury and if you are around one when the glass tube is broken, you may have breathed in the resulting gas. Red ink used for tattoos contains mercury sulfide as the coloring agent.
Last but not least, in 2009 half of the samples tested of high fructose corn syrup contained mercury.
The point is, mercury exposure is quite common for all of us in our day to day lives.
Mercury is present in the earth’s crust (at a concentration of 0.5 ppm) and is brought into the atmosphere mainly due to human activities like mining, burning of coal, waste incinerators, industrial processes, etc. Upon environmental exposure, it generally bio-accumulates in fishes and aquatic animals, and is reduced by bacteria into methylmercury. No wonder over 3000 lakes in the US have been off-bounds for fishing due to mercury contamination. Mercury poisoning mainly occurs by consuming the poisoned fishes, by dental amalgamation, or occupational hazard workers who inhale it as elemental mercury. (1)
Methyl mercury easily absorbs into the gut and mucous linings, while elemental mercury has the potential to cross blood brain barrier and affect brain functioning. The inorganic salt forms of mercury are less toxic to the body. (2) Mercurial poisoning causes serious chronic complications including cardiovascular issues, neurological disorders, reproductive defects in newborns, etc. (3) In addition to the brain, metallic mercury is also deposited in the thyroid, breast, myocardium, muscles, adrenals, liver, kidneys, skin, sweat glands, pancreas, enterocytes, lungs, salivary glands, testes, and prostate. Therefore, poisoning most likely causes faulty functioning of those organs. (4)
Mercury also has affinity for binding sites on the surface of T cells and for sulfhydryl groups influencing T cell function. (5) Eggleston and Nylander have clearly shown a direct evidence of correlation between dental amalgams and levels of mercury in white matter of the brain. (6) Thus, an average person has had enough mercury exposure by various factors in the environment.
1. World Health Organization. Mercury and Health. 31 March 2017
2. Berlin, M. "Handbook of the Toxicology of Metals, V. 2." (1985): 376-405.
3. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320563.php#complications
4. Bernhoft RA. Mercury toxicity and treatment: a review of the literature. J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:460508. doi:10.1155/2012/460508.
5. Park, S., Araki, S., Nakata, A. et al. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2000)
73: 537. Effects of occupational metallic mercury vapour exposure on
suppressor-inducer (CD4+CD45RA+) T lymphocytes and CD57+CD16+ natural
killer cells. https://doi.org/10.1007/s004200000173.
Eggleston, David W. et al. Correlation of dental amalgam with mercury
in brain tissue. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 58, Issue 6,
704 – 707. 1987
Do you have any questions about any of these mercury poisoning symptoms or yeast infections in general? Ask your question here or contact us using the contact page of this website. It is also always a good idea to talk to your doctor as well.
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How can you tell if your amalgam fillings are a problem?
How can you tell if your amalgam fillings are affecting your health?
Mercury Testing Webpage
This page talks about the options available for mercury testing if you wish to verify that this is a problem for you.
Mercury Poisoning Symptoms Treatment Webpage
You can find out how to treat high metal levels and candida yeast at the same time on this webpage.
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