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Is vinegar okay to apply topically in a sits bath? Is it okay to eat?

(Austin, TX)

I want to say how grateful I am for the this website. Thank you so much!

I have a question about vinegar:

Is it okay to drink apple cider vinegar on the candida cleanse? If not, I'm wondering why.

Does adding white vinegar to a sits bath help to kill candida? I've been doing borax & vinegar & undecylenic acid sits bathes.

I've heard vinegar kills yeast but also that it may not be good to consume?

Just trying to understand.

Thank you so much!

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Feb 25, 2025

by: Dan

There is nothing wrong with consuming ACV, it does typically help with acid reflux symptoms because it is so acidic.

White vinegar can be used as you suggest as well but I doubt adding it to a bath is going to help. The pH level of white vinegar is typically 2.5. Candida yeast survives in a pH range of 2.5 to 8.0 so by adding it to a bath you are diluting it right from the start, rendering it ineffective.

Hope that helps and any other questions let us know.

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