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Is there a suggested zinc dosage to take for a Candida albicans sufferer?

by Traci

Very informative summary.

What is your suggested dosage of zinc per day and how many times a day should you take it?

Also, what kind of zinc can you suggest for a 50 plus woman in good health overall?

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Oct 21, 2024

by: Dan

Because zinc is a nutrient required for Candida's growth, we suggest you get tested to see what your zinc levels are beforehand.

If your levels are normal then we would not suggest zinc for treating Candida at all.

If your levels are low then you could be deficient, which would reduce your immune function. In this case, supplementing with zinc could restore your immune function and your immune system might be able to get the infection under control.

Doses initially may have to be high to eliminate the deficiency. It would be best to work with your doctor so they can retest as needed as you try to resolve the deficiency.

Any other questions let us know.

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