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How can Candida Species (non albicans) be detected other than with stool sample?

by Johanne
(Berlin, Germany)

How can Candida Species (non albicans) be detected other than with stool sample? Could you give information about dosage of fluconazole?

Dear Dr. Vibhuti Rana

My name is Johanne, I am a 48-year-old woman living in Berlin, Germany and am desperately seeking your advice.

I am suffering from reoccurring candida (non albicans) infections for at least several years now - intestinal system and vagina uterus tract are involved. My immune system is badly weakened (chronic sinusitis, cystitis, yellow-whitish creamy stinging tongue, 100 times antibiotics therapy during past 30 years) since a covid 19 infection my Colon is severely damaged, permanent constipation, pain, weight loss (60 p) and inability to eat most groups of food, plus chronic fatigue are making my life hard.

In Germany unfortunately Candida infections are not being taken seriously, in common medical thinking there is no need for treatment as it is being found in every human.

I already tried high dose Nystatin for 3 months with mild success. Best results showed after taking fluconazole for 4 weeks given by Gynecologist. Because of reoccurring vaginal infection (candida non albicans, no identification); after 4-6 weeks it came back, the situation worsened but the doctors did not make a connection to candida. Reading through a lot of medical reports concerning the matter in English (mainly US) I came across your information.

I am suffering so badly, not being able to work or lead a “normal“ life. Being a single mother, I am now would prepared to travel very far in order to find someone who can help me.

One doctor actually takes the situation seriously and believes in the candida theory. (Since I am taking a number of herbal products to cut down the infection, stool samples have been negative in the past two months.)

My questions are:

Can candida be detected and specified other than taking a stool sample (by PCR for example), could you please tell me the name of the test - other species than albicans have to be covered by the testing as it proven to be non albicans - C. tropicalis has been considered.

Treatment proposal is to take fluconazole for 6 months (150mg per week) after initial dose (150mg every 72 hours 3 times). (I am concerned about not taking the right dosage and maybe thereby creating resistance). Would you consider this an appropriate dosage?

If I don’t get any further with the German medical system I am prepared to come an see you.

Thank you very much for your help.

Yours sincerely,

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Jul 18, 2024
Our Reply
by: Dan

Your gynecologist could do a swab from your vagina and send to a lab for identification. The lab should also be able to test prescription antifungals on the species found to identify what kills it.

150mgs of fluconazole is the standard dose. Because flucanozole is processed and removed by the body in 3 days most doctors suggest taking it every 3 days.

If it is C. tropicalis, the prescription drug of choice is fluconazole. However, Amphotericin B, Itraconazole, Voriconazole, Posaconazole, 5fc, and any of the Enchinocandins typically work well. The lab should be able to identify which one of these drugs work the best.

Any other questions let us know.

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