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Does Profase contain carbs? If so, how many?

by Brandon

I finished a full bottle of the Profase. Took a week off, then started to not feel as good. My histamine intolerance symptoms seemed to get worse without the Profase. I just ordered some more. Something I was curious about, is if the formula contains carbohydrates and if so, how much?

I'm on a zero-carb diet currently trying to address autoimmune issues and have very little tolerance to foods containing histamines. A lot of difficulty digesting foods, and poor intestinal transit. My mother had the same issue with constipation her entire life, and my son has issues to. Must be some genetic factor. I'm assuming the neutral histamine load of the Profase is helping to keep histamine in the gut under control.

How long should it take for a probiotic like Profase to get the digestive system balanced? I've gone through 2 full bottles so far. Not sure how long I should keep trying it? Does seem to help some while I'm using it, but doesn't seem to offer long term change after discontinuing.

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Oct 04, 2024

by: Dan

Profase contains Isolmalto-Oligosaccharide as a prebiotic to help your good bacteria and the bacteria in Profase grow. A very small amount may be digested but would have no effect on blood sugar levels. Most of it will be fermented by bacteria, thus enhancing the proliferation of those bacteria.

Depending on the person, it can take up to a year to alter your intestinal microbiome. Eating a well balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and meats will provide good diversity of bacterial species. People on high sugar high carb diets will have a very different microbiome than those following a well balanced diet because your good bacteria eat what you do.

Hopefully that answered your question, but if not let us know.

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