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Change to Biofase formula - Nattokinase added?

by Brandon

I started on BioPhase just a month or so ago. My first bottle did not contain Nattokinase. I was able to take 3 capsules at a time, with no digestive upset. My second bottle did. Why was this added? I'm not sure if it's from Nattokinase or just a different batch/lot, but my first bottle with original formula (no nattokinase), did not cause digestive pain. When I started taking the new formulation, if I take more than 1 capsule now, it causes aching and pain in GI tract. Trying to figure out, if there is something off in my batch, or if its Nattokinase? I was able to order 1 last bottle of the old formula, and took 6 this morning with no digestive upset? Trying to figure out, if its Nattokinase, or if the batch has something off in it possibly? I really feel like I did well and was getting better on the original batch/formula.

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Jul 20, 2024

by: Dan

750 units of Nattokinase was added per capsule because it does help remove the fibrin found in the biofilm. It also has a digestive effect on proteins, which are also present in the biofilm and cell wall. The rest of the formula has not changed.

The addition was done to improve Biofase's effectiveness which should result in having to take less for the same results.

Hope that answered your question.

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