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Eight years ago I had whitish tongue and small skin rash on my upper lip with extreme dry lip. I followed the Candida diet and treatments and it went away in about 6 months.
Now, since June 2024 it started exactly the same way only just 2 little bumps above my lip but with that extreme dryness of the lip that made it very stiff to move. I started the rotation of herbal antifungals and a 50 Billion probiotic and it seemed to respond then stopped... I went to the doctor who said to try Nystatin. Well I did but that seemed to ignite it and I did the full 14 days.
Since then the whitish tongue now looks like white spots and a thick slimy feeling in my mouth that takes enormous time to rinse out when brushing my teeth. I use the sponge on a stick that hospitals give patients to wipe my tongue from the thick slime after brushing my teeth.
I had to carry a spit cup with me because the heavy saliva (foamy feeling) that was happening during the day. This has subsided quite a bit. I also have been having a lot of hair loss that is continuing. Other odd symptoms were, a sudden outbreak of eczema on my neck that itched and was flaky. I treated it with Witch Hazel and it was gone in about 5 days. I have no history of eczema.
More symptoms that popped up included dry mouth at night. I woke up one day and the middle of my top lip was swollen and looked like someone hit me in the mouth. That ended after a few days. Then the inside cheeks had a burning feeling. That subsided and then the mucosa along the inside of the bottom lip and a little on the side cheeks became swollen. You can actually see the puffiness as it touches the lower front teeth.
The reason I keep thinking its a "yeast issue" is because that if I go to the bathroom sometime a slight odor of yeast is present. I use to bake bread a lot and I keep thinking, "whose baking bread?" I have never had a vaginal yeast infection so I wondered if you can have that but have no symptoms of pain or discharge?
Is this another type of fungus or yeast infection that might produce these odd symptoms?
I would greatly appreciate any guidance.
Thank you
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