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Can something like Fifth disease act as a catalyst to then bring on a massive yeast rash?
I also have multiple allergies, both indoor/outdoor/chemical & meds. When the rash first came on, I was given a diagnosis of Fifth disease, but it just won't quit. It is insanely itchy, & comes in 3-4 "types".
1) A lighter red lacy pattern all over.
2) A bright red rash with darker red "veins" running thru it.
3) Small red patches, circles with bumps & slightly raised; recently I developed one with a angry red ring bumps & a whitish center.
4) Also, an acne looking raised bumps, some stay red bumps, while others come with a white top.
The worst areas are my scalp, face, neck ears & chest. But the lacy rash is all over & the patches & red bumps happen on my arms and legs. All of my skin from start to now is insanely itchy. The lacy & red rash with red veins & the patches & bumps can come & go in severity during the day or not. To rub or scratch makes it feel like my skin is burning. Also, it feels as if I am being pricked by pins all over.
I also have active eczema & rosacea. I am 53 yrs old.
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