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Can Biofase make gas and bloating worse?

by Brandon

I've noticed that if I stay with 1 capsule at a time on empty stomach, little to no side effects. If I increase the dosage to 2-3 capsules, within about 30-60 minutes after taking them, I get discomfort (sometimes painful) in digestive system, which I believe is gas. When I'm able to expel the gas (fart), the pain subsides. Is this a typical reaction?

I'm curious if I should back off on the dosage, or if this might mean that its working, and the Candida and other bacteria, are producing more gas as a die off reaction?

The above article mentions symptoms can get worse before better, but I wasn't sure what those symptoms might include? Trying to decide if I should push through it?

The article talks about how the yeast and bacteria can release more spores, could this mean more gas?

Profase, and all other probiotics I've tried, also seem to result in more gas production and discomfort as well, so I normally give up. Just wondering if all along I should have continued, and things would improve after a couple weeks of consistent use, if I just suffered through it?

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Jul 20, 2024

by: Dan

Gas and general stomach discomfort is not uncommon in people that are trying to address Candida, bacteria, or general dysbiosis of the gut. In really out of balance toxic individuals, sometimes the enzymes will make them throw up initially. Those that keep taking them usually always over come this problem and end up getting well.

People that aren't used to taking probiotics quite often will feel gassy, bloated, and quite often become slightly constipated. If you stick with it and give the probiotics a chance to clean you out, these issues resolve themselves in a week or two.

I would back off the doses so you can tolerate the side effects and as it gets better gradually raise the doses.

You could also just take Profase by itself until the gas and discomfort cleared up, I would give it two weeks, then add Biofase. Doing it this way minimizes any symptoms that might result from taking the enzymes.

Any other questions let us know.

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