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Minerals, Nutrients, and The Alkaline Diet

Updated 3/15/2023

Medically reviewed by Dr. Vibhuti Rana PhD - Written by Dan Jackowiak NC, HHP

The more I researched on minerals, nutrients, and the proper alkaline diet, the angrier I became. It seems the big farming corporations have been genetically engineering our foods for about 60 years in the name of higher corporate profits and the Almighty Dollar. Please bear with me as I explain what has happened and the risks we are all taking with our everyday meals. This is not meant to be negative since there is a solution to this problem, but it is to make you aware of what you are eating every day. Armed with this knowledge, you can make the choices you need to make to have good health for you and your family.

The Nutrient Cycle

Your body is made up of individual cells that have their own individual cellular environment and these cells come together to form tissues and organs. These organs network with each other and come together to make up your body. Now understand that if the cellular environment becomes altered by an excess of something that the cell doesn't want, or if there is a deficiency of something that the cell needs, then you are going to end up with problems and the cells will get sick.

Think about the environment on a much larger scale, such as what is found all throughout the nature. In nature, mammals breathe in oxygen, which is produced by plants, and plants breath in carbon dioxide, which is produced by mammals. Nature finds a balance and all things are interrelated forming the entire planet. It is this kind of relationship that is critical to understanding what has happened.


Let’s take a look at the water that comes from clouds and hits the ground. This process releases minerals, nutrients, and enzymes from the soil to be used by plants. Humans and other animals eat these plants and gain nutritional benefits from them. Excess water evaporates and returns to form clouds and the cycle happens all over again.

As we all eliminate these nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes, they go back into the earth and cycle back around again. So we are a part of this environment and share all these things with our environment. Really quite simple, isn't it!

Our bodies will also store up the minerals, enzymes, and nutrients in a reserve account. At the same time there is a waste-processing center that uses some of these nutrients, minerals, and enzymes to eliminate the cellular wastes. Hence, the cells must be able to have the right amount and kinds of nutrients and they have to be able to get rid of wastes to be healthy.

Now if you go to different geographical areas and cultures in the world you will find some people traditionally live up to 100 years in places where this natural environment has not been disturbed.

Unfortunately in the US, this life cycle has been drastically altered.

What Happened to Alkaline Foods?

About 60 years ago or so, the food industry got together with the scientists and said, “Hey, we need to grow more crops so we can make more money, can you help us?” So the scientists set to work and decided that they lost a lot of crops to weeds. These weeds were competing for water, nutrients, minerals and enzymes with the plants they were growing for foods. So, they introduced herbicides to kill the weeds.

Then the scientists observed that you have a lot of bugs and insects eating these foods. So they introduced pesticides to kill the bugs that were eating the plants and foods.

Then they realized that the foods had a lot of fungi that were destroying the crops. So they introduced fungicides and sprayed the crops. Now at this point the food companies where growing more crops and making a lot more money, but look what happened next.

They had too much food stacking up on the grocery store shelves, driving down the prices. This food was also rotting, since people could not consume it fast enough. So the companies went back to the scientists and asked them if they could prevent this food from rotting to fast.

So now we get back to the Enzyme Cycle. When an apple is plucked from a tree it can no longer get nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the tree and it cannot eliminate its wastes from its cells. It has become a fully self-contained living thing even though it has been removed from the tree. Through the use of enzymes (nothing happens in the body without them), it will now start to eat itself to stay alive. This causes it to rot as the plant runs out of internal nutrients. Think about this as it relates to your body for a minute.

So back to the scientists who discovered that they could introduce enzyme inhibitors by heat, radiation, and other chemical therapies.  These processes come in and kill the enzymes within the food so the food will not self-digest. Now you have an extended shelf life for these foods, but these foods are for all purposes nutritionally dead. They offer very little nutritional value for the human body.

Then the food companies found that bacteria was eating some of this food and causing it to rot. So back to the scientists who decided ok, we will inject embalming fluid into these foods and call it preservatives!

So now we have these foods that bugs, fungi, and bacteria won't eat because it is dead and has been treated with chemicals. But, whom do you think will eat it? Humans! Is it any wonder we rank #38 in the world for health care and our life expectancy is 28th. The US is also ranked #1 for the incidence of degenerative diseases.

The World Health Organization reported that:

"Basically, you die earlier and spend more time disabled if you're an American rather than a member of most other advanced countries."

Now these chemicals are known as xenobiotics that work by going into the living cells of the plant and destroy the reproductive organs and systems of that cell, and we eat this stuff.

Presently, the food industry is adding animal DNA to plants, performing gene splicing and cross breeding, introducing growth chemicals directly into the cells of the plant to get them to grow bigger, etc. Is it any wonder that the rest of the world won't buy our genetically altered produce any more?

Think about all this for a minute as it applies to your health and acidosis. If we are eating enzyme- dead foods that are loaded with chemicals and are nutritionally dead, as these toxins accumulate in the body, wouldn't it most definitely run the body down and weaken your immune system. You bet it would, and that weakened immune system would allow yeast to get out of control.

Medical Review by Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD

The information mentioned in this article regarding the alkaline diet and enzymatic value of foods is medically correct.

It is by now understood that the genetically modified crops are different from the naturally fertilized or cross-bred crops. They contain specific genes from other organisms, in order to bear special traits suitable for maintaining longer shelf life, pest-resistance, etc. The main transgenic crops in market are rice, maize, barley, soybean, canola, corn, mango, apple, grapes, banana, etc. A recent study published by the Iranian Academy of Sciences and the Pasteur Institute of Iran, states that so far transgenic products have not been completely proven to be free of harmful effects. (1)

Another study concludes that the current methods of creating GM food crops has so far not delivered its promises of wholesome, plentiful, nutritionally rich and safe crops. These methods should have been scrutinized and eliminated at the earlier phases. (2)

While genetic engineering has aimed to remove micronutrient deficiencies, people have been concerned about the possibility of unintentionally creating plant crops that are super-resistant to herbicides or antibiotics or with unintended effects for human health. The main threat is not the procedure, but the consequences of using this technology. Some of the adverse effects to human health associated with GM crops are toxicity, allergies, the instability of the inserted gene, and negative effects on nutrition. (3)

1. Genetically Modified (GM) foods and the risk to human health and environment  Health Biotechnology and Biopharma (2019), 3(2): 61-73 
2. Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health? Arpad Pusztai. An 6/30/2009
3. Javier A Magaña-Gómez, Ana M Calderón de la Barca, Risk assessment of genetically modified crops for nutrition and health, Nutrition Reviews, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 January 2009, Pages 1–16

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