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Is Culturelle probiotic good for an internal breast yeast infection?

by Jennifer
(New York )

Is Culturelle probiotic good for an internal breast yeast infection?

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Aug 05, 2021
Culturelle for breast yeast
by: Dan

Lactobacillus GG has been shown in a couple different studies to have anti Candida effects. It helps prevent Candida adhesion and invasion and helps inhibit transition of Candida from yeast to hyphal form. I have more information on Culturelle on this webpage if you care to take a look.

So in light of those studies, yes it would help with any yeast infection including a breast yeast infection. But as far as the best, I have had such good luck with Profase when combined with Biofase that I typically don't recommend anything else.

Matter of fact, this is a recent testimonial:

"This has been awesome, I was having a Candida issue while nursing my baby. I tried three rounds of Diflucan and some topical Nystatins for us. But I didn’t go away. I used this (Biofase & Profase) with Nystatin under Dan’s recommendation and it worked! Back for the big bottles as I showed my doctor and she said it looks great but keep at it for a bit longer!

Thanks Dan!"


Note: Meaghan mentioned she was using Nystatin with Biofase and Profase, please be aware that Nystatin only works in the gut, it does not absorb into the bloodstream. If Meaghan has an over growth in the gut and it was transferring to the breast, usually gut infections infect the vagina first, it helped. If she doesn't have an over growth in the gut, it had no effect.

Any other questions let me know.

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