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How long does it take to show symptoms of oral thrush after exposure?

I am trying to find out what can cause this since I am an adult. My blood work was fine, so I am wondering if this could have happened with sexual contact from someone that has it.

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May 08, 2022

by: Dan

Common causes of Oral yeast infections are:

Wearing dentures

Weak immune system

Taking medications such as antibiotics and corticosteroids

High blood sugar levels due to diabetes

The presence of amalgam fillings increases risk

Oral sex with an infected partner

We have a webpage about oral yeast infections here if you need further information on possible causes.

50% of people have yeast in their mouths but it does not cause problems. It is a natural part of their microbiome. However, if the yeast shifts to a pathogenic form for any reason, an infection would be the result. It is possible, in a susceptible individual, kissing a person with yeast in their mouths could give them an infection.

In addition, all of us at some point in our lives will be exposed to yeasts but because our immune systems are healthy and working at their best, we will never know it. There wouldn't be a flare up or infection as a result of exposure.

How long after exposure does it take to notice symptoms? That is going to vary from person to person. Some people will not become infected, others will. It just depends on the state of that persons immune system, diet, are they on medications, or have nutrient deficiencies, etc.

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